When I met my best friend a few years ago we instantly clicked on so many levels. So much so that Nicole and I pulled together an e-book together within a matter of months because we were inspired to share our journeys on how we get active, how we nourish our bodies and how we practiced gratitude every day.
Since then we’ve moved on from the e-book but still continue to live our best lives through this philosophy and when the opportunity arises between travel, running around after a 1 year old and multiple work commitments we take a moment to breathe and to REALLY check in on ourselves and each other.
Nicole introduced me to oracle cards a couple of years back, and often, when one or both of us are feeling overwhelmed, lost or in need of some guidance we start to get all ‘woo-woo’ and like this last weekend, we pull out the singing bowl, clear the energy in our space and ask a question that we feel we need the answers to or some clarity on in that moment. Often we find that the cards tell us the hardest truths, the things we know but that we don’t do anything about and this weekend they hit the hardest for me.
So for this blog I thought I would share what was presented to me in my Oracle Cards and in doing so share a little more with you about me, and also perhaps inspire you to take a moment out of your day to seek clarity on whether you are truly on your right path or whether there are some reminders and wake up calls that you need right now.
Nicole and I pulled 3 cards each, usually the first indicates the past, the second is the present and the third, the future. Whether they are upright or upside down also counts so make sure to pay attention and to also let those that fall out of the deck as you clear the energy and move them about form part of your reading.
So without further ado, here they are…
Card One: The Sun – New Beginnings and Great Creativity
The sun brings blessings to the earth, and this card portends blessings in your own life as well. Just as the sun nurtures the earth, bringing new life in the spring and summer, this is your time for a new beginning, the onset of a nurturing, new light in your life – the light of Divine inspiration and personal growth.
This card often marks a time of great creativity, bringing the culmination of an important new project, such as the birth of a baby or the writing or publication of a book – or even the birth of a new you! Now is the time to put your energy into expressing your truth and vision. Visualize the light of Divine love pouring into your heart and mind like the rays of the sun, bringing inspiration, growth, and abundant blessings. See the future you want to create and know the sun is shining on your intentions now.
Card Two: Attachment – Perceived Need and the Choice to Let Go (I always get this one, it’s a big thing for me)
In the upright position (which it was) this card reveals your passage forward is being stopped by strong attachments to old patterns or people of the past. The chain at your wrist is bolted to fear from the past or desperation about the future. Although you may wear the mask of pretence or even contentment, you simply can’t seem to go forward.
The stuff that’s keeping you stuck could be physical addictions, emotional patterns or even old relationships. Are you living in fear, addicted to old, unhealthy habits; or so desperate about the future that you can’t be happy now? If so, the chains that bind you could be of your own making. This card is telling you that it’s time to take the action that you need to break out of your chains and move forward to an open, free, healthy and authentically happy life. It may take some courage and effort to let go, but know that you are capable of doing it. Until you do, the difficult energy will keep repeating itself , keeping you stuck.
Card Three: The Temple Path – Spiritual Purpose and Support
Receiving this card represents your own spiritual evolution. The winding path you are on leads to a blessed temple in a lovely garden, symbolizing the spiritual destiny your soul has had in mind for this lifetime. This card upright is here to tell you that what you’re going through now is all part of your souls process. You are on a karmic path and heading in the right direction, and the choices you make now are important for your personal growth and life lessons.
The lights around the temple represent the spirit world – your family members and friends, angels and guides – all the loving spirit helpers who long to assist you. Call upon them and be open to their wisdom and inspiration.
This is a wonderful, life expanding time, so keep in mind your personal priorities as well as your spiritual connection. Following your higher intentions will help you move your life forward in dramatic ways, and connecting with spirit – and your higher self – will have a wonderful influence on all that you experience.