As part of my 4 day teacher training module I’m doing with Simon Parks I thought it would be a great opportunity to reflect on the learning’s and development I am getting from the inspiring individuals around me, especially Simon, who is taking us through one particular model of Shiva Rea’s Prana Flow teachings.
Day one was a tough but invigorating start, 4 hours of yoga flows got the day off to a great start. We were shown the ‘mini vinyasas’ in various different forms/ sequences, and channelled our breath as we moved with the mind and the soul. Simon’s words were inspiring to say the least, he spoke of many different aspects of yoga and it gave me a wonderful reminder of just how intricate the practice of yoga truly is.
My natural tendency is to look for the facts, I like to know how things fit where and why, I like to ask questions and love it when details and information all links nicely together. The way Simon taught was perfect for that and gave some really great insights into the reasons sequencing of postures and words are used. It’s shown me that as a student and as a teacher I have a lot to learn, but I’m sure no matter how experienced or inexperienced you are, this will always be the case.
We’re also looking at a lot of verbal cues, using words to describe and most importantly providing accurate but also insightful cues. Using words that resonate with people, words that tell you what we are aiming for out of a posture or flow and linking that together nicely with ensuring that alignment and individual bodies are taken into consideration. This is something that is often overlooked. There is definitely an art to choosing the right words, and that is something that is developed over years of experience, or perhaps just naturally for some.
It’s not surprising how much depth you can get out of a few carefully chosen words.
For me it doesn’t come easy, I like to talk, I love to interact with people, but I’ve always been a very straightforward person in those interactions. I don’t mind explaining what I mean, and sometimes I over explain only to realise that I said the same thing twice and still got the same blank stare back. This is something I need to improve on, and this training module will help me in more ways than just on the mat which I am so thankful for.
So on to day two I go… wish me luck!
Posted 7 August 2014