Cancer sucks, I don’t think I need to point out the obvious but it kills hundreds of people every single day. It touches so many and shocks all the time and you never know who it may strike.
Throughout my life I have been touched by the incredible stories and feats that both friends, acquaintances and family have gone through to beat cancer, which is why I felt so passionately about participating in the Instagram Competition #yogaforbreastcancerchallenge run by @yogaone1 and @leah.simmons.
It was a no brainer to get my mum involved too, she has been touched by cancer in many ways in her life and most recently, in the past two years two of her best friends have been diagnosed with breast cancer.
The news hit home to all of us, and whilst those two beautiful women, who I have grown up with and been welcomed with open arms into their homes and families were pillars of strength themselves, I was so incredibly proud of my mum taking her place right beside them to ensure they had the support they needed (amongst many other friends and family too).
When I was thinking about the challenge, and the ways that breast cancer has touched all of our lives it made sense to get together with my mum to create some beautiful images to pay homage to those we love who have been touched by cancer. If it helps raise a little bit of awareness and enables the Macgrath Foundation to continue to do what they do then I will be eternally happy. This challenge was also a timely reminder for me that it’s not just those who receive the horrible news that they have breast cancer but their friends, their daughters, sons, sisters, brothers, partners, parents who are affected and who need the tools and the support to stay strong and to support each other to reach the finish line.
And the women I know and their friends and families are not alone. My best friends mum has recently reached her 5 year remission milestone after undergoing treatment for breast cancer twice, a great friend from the UK was diagnosed with Cervical Cancer at a young age, my Nona (grandmother) died from cancer before I was born, a friend from school passed away too young from a rare aggressive cancer and many more people who I have known or have heard of have conquered cancer. These are just the people that I know, which is scary.
So these pictures and this blog is a dedication to anyone and everyone, it is a reminder that we need to look after ourselves and each other. It is a chance to raise awareness and encourage everyone else to do the same.